Test, Test, and Test Again

For us to offer top quality, reliable products, we are sure to put each product through extensive training; one of these methods is called parallel testing. We take many mattresses of the same model and test them on humans simultaneously. Yes, we tested on real humans like you! If even one mattress does not reach the 10,000-night guarantee, the model is revised then the process is restarted. This is to ensure every product we sell will exceed every expectation you have of a mattress.

Oh, there was also no humans harmed during the process of our testing. In fact, our participants claimed to be better off since they now have a mattress they love and can rely on for years to come to combat their back pain!

For active sheep who suffer from back pain, the Awassi will work as hard as you do, if not harder.

Learn More

MM is a creation from years of experience in the hotel and hospitality industry providing quality, supportive products that are made to last. Every MM product guarantees 10,000 back pain free sleeps, leading to a healthier, more enjoyable life. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact a MM customer sheep-entative at hello@mattressmatthew.com, (phone#) or through our contact form on our home page.

Mattress Matthew Inc.
6164 Harbor Way, Santa Barbara, CA, 93109
(805) 284 – 1375 | hello@mattressmatthew.com