Bring Back A Healthy Back

One of the most common causes of hospital visits and surgeries these days are for back related pain or injuries. Even some of the worst cases stem from previous back injuries coming from early onset back pain. More often than even colds, people visit the doctor for back pain because there are so many things in our life that requires the use or even strain of our backs. You can trace the causes of back pain back to when humans were still evolving. Our world has changed so much since then without allowing time for humans to adapt to a new world. Because of this many of the things we do each day are hard for our backs to keep up with, especially if you don’t give your spine and back muscles the time they need to rest properly. Mattress Mathew wants to help prevent back pain and discomfort as much as we can, and from that desire to help came an innovation in latex mattresses that allows your body the rest it really needs.

The sources of back pain comes from lots of wear and tear on the spine as you move through each day, from something as light as walking around to side effects of medications, poor eating habits, and stress and anxiety. What you do for work greatly affects how healthy your back is because of postural issues from bending over too much or sitting at a chair for 8 hours a day. It’s important to take care of your back in whatever way you can, and it’s not just big changes that you should make. Things like short but consistent exercise, correcting your posture little bits at a time, and wearing good shoes. Arguably the best thing you can do is get a mattress that gives you the support you need to keep your spine neutral, allowing it to heal all the strain built up over the day.

Mattress Mathew makes a bed that does exactly that, helping your back get back to its healthiest, and you to your pain-free self.